Sometimes I say or do something that hurts someone else's feelings, and my initial reaction is something like, "But, I didn't mean it THAT way."
It is common, I think, for many of us to think that someone should be offended only when we intended to offend them. If I say something that hurts someone else's feelings, but I didn't mean it that way, somehow that is supposed to mean I am off the hook.
I have been thinking lately about something that happened to me many years ago. I used to sing every year at a local Jewish Temple during the High Holy Days. Leading up to the worship services, we had a series of rehearsals.
Some of you may have heard the ancient music that is sung at these services. Many of the melodies were used in the soundtrack to the film Schindler's List. The melodies are beautiful and haunting, and for someone like me, who is a student of music, they got lodged in my brain.
So, one night as we are leaving rehearsal, I was whistling one of these beautiful melodies as I was walking out to my car. I was doing this because the melody is beautiful and I was lost in its majesty. One of the elder members of the choir pulled me aside and asked me to stop. He said these melodies were sacred to his people and they shouldn't be treated in such a way.
I was embarrassed. I had a lot of respect for this man. He was probably the same age as my grandfather who fought in World War II, so I can only imagine what he had lived through as a Jewish man. I apologized and stopped immediately.
Then some others from the choir who heard the exchange came up and said they were sorry he had spoken to me in that way. And I got a little self-righteous. I was just enjoying those same melodies. He didn't own them. What was his problem anyway?
I was defensively focused on my intention, and had little or no empathy in what his experience was in hearing the melodies in that way.
How many times do we know of something that we have said that someone took "the wrong way?" Is it really "the wrong way?" Or is it that we failed to have the empathy to see how our actions or language affected someone else.
That's not being "Politically Correct," it's just being kind and human. Doing our best to understand another point of view when we use words that are non-intentionally hurtful is simply treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves.
I know I need to do better. In fact, I need to make a few apologies...
That's my view today.