From Where I Stand: Letting Go
It is Lent in the Christian church, and many people choose to observe Lent by giving something up. It can be a time of letting go of something, ideally something that gets in the way of our relationship with God. I have found that some of the things that we hold most dearly can be things that interfere with our relationship with God. That makes Lent a powerful time for those who have courage enough to let go of some really dear things.
In the life of ministry, sometimes we have to let go of some really dear things. I have found that one of the hardest things to do in ministry is to let go of people. By that I mean people who have been part of the church, who have stood side by side with you as you face difficulty, who have worshiped with you and then choose to leave the church. I have also found that it is hard to find a safe space to discuss the pain one feels as a leader of a congregation in the middle of these types of losses. It is easier, and in some ways expected, that leaders just put on a happy face and focus on the positive aspects of ministry, while wishing those who choose another path well. And while that is assuredly the best way to move forward, it is important to acknowledge that there is grief that goes along with it.
Thankfully, you probably aren't all like me, but I spend time wondering what I did or could have done, what was missing or what was off-putting, and how this can inform my service to God. Of course, losing people in relationship is hard enough, but the added pressure (certainly added by myself) of wondering if this is an indictment of how I am serving God in this context makes this process even harder.
But letting go is about more than that. I need, as a servant of God and as a servant of people, to trust that God and others know what they need better than I do. I need to step back and give thanks for the service we shared during that season, and simply trust in the grace of the Holy Spirit that we are all where we are supposed to be.
And in doing that, I need to give up something I have a hard time giving up for Lent, and for good. It is something that I struggle with daily, hourly, all the time, and yet, I have to give it up and let it go. I need to let go of my pride. It doesn't all come down to me, it comes down to God. I may be in the role of leader, but more importantly I am a servant. I serve the people of my congregation and I serve God. If my pride interferes with that service, it is getting in the way of my relationship with God and with people, and it has to go. And not just for Lent, for good.
I am working on it... I thank you for patience with me while I work on it.
As always, may God bless you all.
Pastor Chris
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