Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Who's your biggest critic?

If you are anything like I am, it didn't take long to figure the answer to that one out.

By far, I am my own biggest critic.

It's unhealthy, I know.

It's frustrating, I know.

It's counterproductive, I know.

And still there it is. Somewhere inside me is a character who plays the role of the judge. Whenever I do something--it could be anything--the judge comes around to inspect the product of my labor. And the judge usually finds something lacking.

It's exhausting.

Yet, when I try to look at things from a different perspective, attempting at least to see things from a new angle, I can see that I have created this character in order to help me to be my best self. I have internalized the idea that judging myself harshly will make me better at what I do.

Where I got this idea, I do not know. This judge is sometimes out of control. Instead of helping me to do better, the judge paralyses me from moving forward.

I don't know how prevalent this is in the world, but if my sense of other humans is even partially right, I think a lot of people have this kind of internal dialogue going on. Here are the words that I want you to hear. They are the words I need to hear myself. I hope they can give you and me a sense of grace about ourselves today.

You are imperfect. In fact, imperfect is the best any of us can ever hope to be. There is no reason to expect perfection. There is no reason to expect that you have everything figured out on whatever you are up to before you even begin. There is no reason to expect that even if you do have everything figured out that you will do things perfectly and have no mental or physical lapses while you are doing whatever it is.

Being human is beautiful. You are beautiful, right now, with all those imperfections. Certainly work to be better, but always remember that better has limitations.

And don't compare yourself to people you think are better. You'll find, if you come to know them, that they, too have insecurities and fears and imperfections. Ain't none of us perfect!

No, you aren't perfect. But you are whole. You are loved. You are God's. You are You.

Have grace where it is often hardest...for yourself.

That's the view today.

1 comment:

  1. You are certainly perfect in my eyes!!!! God uses you every day to help others and make a difference in their lives....God uses any imperfections that you have to help others in ways that you will probably never know but God knows. Love you, Mom
